Judging – Wednesday, August 14th, at 5:00PM in the Open Class Building.
2 Categories
1) BORN or MADE UGLY – A Born Ugly lamp (one that needs no help to be ugly) or a lamp made or embellished by the entrant to make them uglier
2) MADE TO FAIR THEME – made or embellished by the entrant to make the lamp reflect the theme “Country Nights and Carnival Lights”
1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Prizes awarded for each category
1st Place – $30
2nd Place – $20
3rd Place-$10
Lamps must
1) Be in working condition and must be safe to operate (no frayed cords or loose plugs).
2) Be safe to move (No barbed wire or broken glass, etc.)
3) Be a table top lamp and be no larger than 20” by 20” footprint and no taller than 40”
4) Be of a weight that a human being can move them – no fork lifts!!
5) Not have a religious, political, or sexual-theme.
6) Must not be a valuable lamp (Fair is not responsible for damage)
Entrant can enter 1 lamp in each category (must fill out separate form for each)
Bring in your entries on Tuesday noon till 9:00 p.m. to the open class building
Lamps are on display all week with pick-up on Sunday after 7 p.m. or Monday 9 a.m. till noon
Any exhibits removed before Sunday will forfeit any prize.
DOWNLOAD: Rules & Entry Form